
Adult Education

You’re never too old to learn! Thousands of people enjoy getting close to nature and understand the importance of preserving our natural areas, yet most of us have had little opportunity to learn about the wild creatures and plants that surround us.

Think about how much richer your outdoor experience will be when you can identify birds, trees, plants or insects and understand how they relate to each other as well as to us.

At The Watershed Institute, we believe in creating lifelong learning opportunities. Adult learning presents opportunities for rediscovery and reigniting a passion for the outdoors. We all experience nature from different perspectives and we all have a role in its protection.

From workshops and lectures, to night courses and field trips, we’ve got just the thing for you. Let’s get those feet wet.

All classes are held at the Watershed Center in Hopewell Township.

“Language of Nature” field trips take place on the Watershed Reserve and at other natural sites around New Jersey. Enrollment is limited to 15 people per course.

There are no tests, papers, or projects. All that is required is interest and attendance. Students who complete four “Language of Nature” courses will earn a Citizen Naturalist certificate and a Watershed fleece vest.

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