
Watershed Introduces StreamWatch Schools Teacher Training Program and New Program Coordinator

December 20th, 2023

We are pleased to announce Davis Bush, our new StreamWatch Schools Coordinator! Davis is excited to join the team, bringing his skills and enthusiasm as an educator to coordinating teacher training and facilitating classroom implementation.

StreamWatch Schools is our new water quality monitoring program led by children. The program enables students of all ages to contribute water quality data to a central online platform and to download data from other schools and water monitors with the support of Watershed Institute Educators.

Watershed Educators provide in-class and streamside instruction to assist with data collection. The StreamWatch Schools Program features lesson plans aligned to The New Jersey Student Learning Standards, with detailed fieldwork procedures, community discussion boards, and a custom-built, web-based platform for inputting, viewing, analyzing, and sharing water quality data.

Join our Virtual Introduction to StreamWatch Schools

Teachers are invited to meet Davis at our virtual Introduction to StreamWatch Schools on January 17, 2024. This session will provide an overview of the program and spell out the next steps for participation.

Upcoming Teacher Training

This winter we will offer a free StreamWatch Schools professional development mini course. This hybrid course will be conducted online during the winter and conclude with a hands-on, streamside training in March. That session will include visual, chemical and biological surveying techniques.

After the training, you will become part of the growing StreamWatch Schools community. You will be able to upload your water quality data to our portal, sharing it on an interactive map with other participating schools and the community. You will also have access to lessons, equipment, and experts. Your students will gain valuable critical thinking skills and find a personal connection to your watershed.

If you’d like to set up a short meeting to get to know Davis and share how you see StreamWatch Schools fitting into your classroom, please email [email protected]

Learn more about StreamWatch Schools

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