

StreamWatch & New Jersey Watershed Watch Network

Understanding the health and quality of our waters helps us recommend environmental policies and protections, educate the public about how to protect and restore clean water and the environment, and work to restore ailing habitats. Water monitoring and research is the foundation of The Watershed Institute’s efforts to protect streams and rivers in central New Jersey.

Since 1992, volunteers have assessed and documented water quality in the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed through our StreamWatch water quality monitoring program. StreamWatch measures the health of our water by testing water chemistry, measuring bacteria levels, and assessing the biological and physical health of our waterways. StreamWatch data helps The Watershed Institute better assess the impacts of pollution and land use on local streams and determine actions necessary to protect and improve water quality.

How Clean Is Our Water?

We use a number of parameters to determine water quality and stream health along our SteamWatch areas. These include tests for phosphorous, nitrates, dissolved oxygen, bacteria, ph, water temperature, turbidity, and aquatic life.


Clean Water Report Card

Click on the green box (below) and see how our watershed fares across the different parameters measured by StreamWatch from 2019- 2023. Sites have been assessed on a scale of “Excellent”, “Good”, “Fair”, or “Poor” for each parameter individually, then used to determine if each subwatershed meets or fails the applicable water quality standards.

Click here to check out our water quality assessment framework to see how we developed these scores.


Clean Water Report Cards

Join Our Team!

Becoming a StreamWatch volunteer is an easy and fun way to contribute to the health of your watershed. We will ask for at least a one-year commitment.



Interested about our methods and data quality? Read through our documents below.

StreamWatch Chemical Action Team Handbook

Biological Team – Quality Assurance Project Plan

View Our Monitoring Schedule

StreamWatch 2024 Schedule

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